UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

3 Aug 21 Interview Transcript, PSIR Optional

UPSC CSE Interview Transcript 

PSIR Optional

Board- Sujata Mehta

3 August 2021

( Most of it is about my job)

Andhra Pradesh, PSIR, Cricket, Tehsildar


1.Tell about your education and work experience?

2. Where do you work?

3. Why did you move from your earlier job ( excise inspector) to this job( Deputy Tehsildar)?

4. What was your duty during COVID time?

5.How's your experience working during that time ?

6. There was lack of resources during early COVID times. There was lack of PPEs, money?

7. How did people respond to stringent lockdowns?

8. Have you seen migrants and were you posted on that work?

9. What kind of training is given to you in your present job?

( I forgot few questions. Mam asked about my job experience)

Member 1

1. How do you assess the functioning of PSUs in india?

2. Why are PSUs not functioning to expectation?

3. Do you feel that government needs to move away from sectors where private sector has capacity?

4. Are there any other things that need to be considered before privatization

5. Do you feel that commercialization of cricket has reduced the game? Did it help cricket?

Member 2:

1. I have heard that there is politicisation of bureaucracy in you area? How much of involvement is there?

2. In what manner do they intervene?

3. Do they make legally acceptable requests?

4.How much  percentage of those representations are legally possible one's?

5. There is a demand for creation of separate state by merging Nellore and Prakasham  districts and forming nee state? What do you say?

6. Your  view on 3 capitals? Does it help people or politics?

7. Should Rayalaseema have a capital (at least a part)?

Member 3:

1. In north India we call Patwari? What do you call them in your state?

2. Tell about hierarchy in Revenue department?

3. In north India Jamabandi is done yearly thrice?  How many times it is done in Andhra Pradesh?

4. When was the last time settlement of land records done?

5. Are the person appearing in online records and the possession of land are one? Are there any issues?

6. You must be facing lot of law and order issues?

7. Who does land mutation?

8. You must be facing lot of civil cases in courts?

9. Do you feel that computerisation is not the only solution to land issues?

10. What's the constitutional role of a legislator?

Member 4:

1. What is the meaning of Tehsildar?

2. A saint comes from your district? ( about Satya sai baba)?

3. Is there any relation between about Satya sai baba and Shiridi sai baba?

4. He has done great good your district?

4. How a law is made?

5. You're from PSIR? I want you a question? Arrange Plato, Aristotle and Machiavelli in Chronology?

6. What about Kautilya?

In the end mam asked me if I wanted  questions  on any topic?

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