UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

Interview Vyas Sir, PSIR optional

UPSC CSE Interview Questions

Board - Bharat Bhushan Vyas

Optional - PSIR( Political Science and International relations)

Interview Date : Aug 2021

Background : ( Mechanical ) + MBA 

Workex : 5 years in Pvt, Preparing for last 2 years

Home state : Haryana 

Chairperson : 

1. You were getting handsome pay in your job, it must have been a difficult decision for you to leave everything and prepare ? 

2. Why PSIR?

3. Have you heard of Kailash Satyarthi? 

4. What are your views on Child abuse?

5. Tell us what is POCSO act?

6. What is Happiness?

7. What is PPP (Public Pvt Partnership ). Name some models. Have u heard of Hybrid Annuity Model.  

8. What do you think of bullet trains in India? 

2nd Member (Lady):

1. What are the implications of Military Junta taking over Myanmar?

2. Top 3 priorities for FP of India

3. Why Afghanistan is 1st priority (Follow up on previous answer)

4. We promote Natural world heritage sites, promote tourism,  but Animals do not want it. How should we go about it.  

3rd Member :

1. U studied Mechanical, Then MBA, but took PSIR. Why? ( asked again. Don't know why) 

2. Germany was once divided and then restrictions were removed. Do you think such unification is good? 

3. Can u tell 2 parties of Germany ? 

4. What is the latest J&K amendment bill?

5. What is waste Management ? 

6. What can we do through Waste to Energy Plants ( follow up on previous answer )

4th Member :

1. Why all these fugitives go to England. What is so special there?

2. With smart TVs, Alexa and Siri we are getting snooped all the time, so why so much of fuss about Pegasus issue in Parliament. 

3. How does this Peagasus works (follow up on previous answer )

4. Was migration to rural areas in 1st wave responsible for 2nd Wave? 

5. What should be our strategy for 3rd wave? 

6. You studied Mechanical, Tell me how can we replace IC Engines ? 

5th Member:

1. Why are farmers protesting?

2. What are these 3 Farm Laws?

3. How will the issue in any contract be resolved. What is suggested in these laws? ( follow up on Contract Farming mentioned in previous answer)

4. And What do you think about all this? Your views. 

Again Chairperson 

1.What is Fake news?

2. What is government doing for it? 

Thank you. Your Interview is over. 

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