UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

UPSC CSE Interview PSIR optional transcript


Optional- Political Science & International Relations 

Board - A S Bhonsle 

3 August 2021 [afternoon (2nd to go)]

Name- Aditi Jain

Education- BA(hons) Economics

Hobbies- Reading fiction, freestyle dancing, solving sudoko


Chairperson- Good Afternoon, please sit (explained to me the whole process)

Mentioned my academic achievements and tried to lighten up the atmosphere by joking about how he does not like over achievers since he was never a serious student himself which got him in trouble with his parents- i laughed it off

Ques 1- did you always want to be an ias officer? when did you decide?

Ques 2- how do you make any decision in life?

Ques 3 - if a young girl studying in class 10th comes for advice on career, what will you tell her?

Ques 4- we are focussing on innovation & technology a lot. has it distracted us from the larger economic issues of our country?

Member 1 (male)

Ques 1 - what were your subjects in 11th class?

Ques 2- you have studied accountancy. we have a double entry accounting system. can you tell us the principles of the same?

Ques 3- why do we account for depreciation? does it benefit in any way?

Ques 4- what is CSR?

Member 2 (female)

Ques 1- what was the recent suez canal issue? (follow up question on how it affected indian economy)

Ques 2- indian monsoons have been causing trouble. some areas have deficit while others have flooding issues. why do you think that is? what is the solution?

Ques 3 - issues with urban drainage system and how to resolve it?

Member 3 (female)

Ques 1 - were you head prefect in school or college? (just asked this without any details)

Ques 2 - what is cairn energy issue in news recently? (follow up question on why has it become a big deal on international forum)

Ques 3- who are your fav authors? (follow up question about some author who i did not know)

Ques 4 - why vaccination drive so slow in india?

Member 4 (male)

Ques 1- difference between amartya sen and adam smith? (told me about the latest book amartya sen wrote)

Ques 2 - who is thomas pikkety? what book did he write and what is it about?

Ques 3- implication of US pullout from afghanistan? what should india do to protect its interests in the region?

Chairperson- Asked me to explain a quote on dancing- "i danced and danced and danced, till only dance remained"

Thank you, your interview is over.

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