UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

How can I start the preparation for UPSC CSE ?

Subhankar Bala IAS Guidance 

How can I start the preparation for UPSC CSE ?

It is a crucial step as starting with a wrong step reduces chance of success i the long run

Ask yourself these questions

  • Are you motivated enough to take a journey which may last for 2-3 years
  • What are the possible challenges with respect to finance , job etc that may come during this time
  • Do you really like studying and learning new things?

If you get positive response in these questions then jump into the most adventurous and insightful journey.

  • First things is to have an idea which is your target year which is going to be your best attempt. ( Suggestion : from the start of the journey to cover the full syllabus for mains it may take 1 year to 1.5 year )
  •  Do some research about different optional subject that you may choose from ( Don’t get discouraged by other people that this or that optional subject doesn’t fetch marks. If you really like a subject you will surely get marks) . If you see past year top 100 rankers optional you will get almost all common optional with almost equal frequency.
  • Make list of books which need to be covered over time. (although along with books there are many other sources which one gets to know over time)
  • Before you start preparation just read 2-3 question paper of UPSC to get some idea which questions are asked in UPSC ( it is okay to not be able to answer most of the questions)

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