UPSC CSE Prelims 2024



Important points
  1. successful and practical 
  2. European Union
  3. peace by pieces
  4. compartmentalisation
  5. cooperation in low political issues
  6. Richard Cobden: keep politicians out
  7. huge patience
  8. political will

  1. successful and practical alternative for realism
  2. based on European Union
  3. peace by pieces

  1. compartmentalisation of issues
    1. segregation on the basis of low politics and high politics
  2. give initiative into hands of non-political class like technical, artists, scientists
  3. cooperation in low political issues will teach benefit of cooperation
  4. increase functional interlinkages, increase interdependence
  5. eg- European Union (successful)
    1. SAARC(unsuccessful)

  1. David Mitrany
  2. Richard Cobden: keep politicians out
  3. GDH Cole: Functional Sovereignty

  1. long term
  2. requires huge patience
  3. political will

Neo Functionalist
  1. Ernst Haas
  2. when chaos, bring in political class 

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