Important points
- Woodrow Wilson
- platform
- development of trust
- Robert Keohane
- Joseph Nogee: Quasi Negotiation- participation but no real interest of nations
- Hedley Bull: Anarchical Society
- Prescriptive
- idea of Woodrow Wilson
- platform for resolution of disputes
- like in domestic politics, presence of state means no use of arms
- with interaction, development of trust
- Robert Keohane
- Joseph Nye
- initially, less enthusiasm
- after WW2, phenomenal increase in global regimes
- liberals believe, realist don't believe
- Joseph Nogee: Quasi Negotiation
- nations participate in institutions since they don't want to be seen as spoilers
- lack of credibility of institutions
Views of English School Scholars
- Hedley Bull: Anarchical Society
- anarchy in international politics has converted into anarchical society
- mixture of anarchy and society