UPSC CSE Prelims 2024



Important points
  1. Woodrow Wilson
  2. platform
  3. development of trust
  4. Robert Keohane
  5. Joseph Nogee: Quasi Negotiation- participation but no real interest of nations
  6. Hedley Bull: Anarchical Society

  1. Prescriptive
  2. idea of Woodrow Wilson
  3. platform for resolution of disputes
  4. like in domestic politics, presence of state means no use of arms
  5. with interaction, development of trust

  1. Robert Keohane
  2. Joseph Nye

  1. initially, less enthusiasm
  2. after WW2, phenomenal increase in global regimes
  3. liberals believe, realist don't believe
  4. Joseph Nogee: Quasi Negotiation
    1. nations participate in institutions since they don't want to be seen as spoilers
  5. lack of credibility of institutions

Views of English School Scholars
  1. Hedley Bull: Anarchical Society
    1. anarchy in international politics has converted into anarchical society
      1. mixture of anarchy and society 

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