UPSC CSE Prelims 2024




Important points
  1. Woodrow Wilson
  2. thoughts of Locke
  3. Children of Light
  4. Emmanuel Kant
    1. Perpetual Peace

  1. first school of International politics based on idea of Woodrow Wilson
  2. Children of Light
  3. optimistic about transformation in the state of international politics
    1. requirement for transformation
      1. power of ideas
      2. out of box thinking
  4. based on thoughts of Locke

Intellectual Precursors
  1. John Locke
  2. Emmanuel Kant
    1. Perpetual Peace
    2. ideas
      1. democracy/republicanism in place of monarchy
      2. free trade
  3. Richard Cobden
    1.  throw the politicians out if want peace
  4. Norman Angell
    1. Book: the Great Illusion
      1. great illusion to think war are profitable
  5. Woodrow Wilson
    1. 14 points speech

Schools of Liberalism
  1. Liberal Institutionalism
  2. sociological Liberalism
  3. Functionalism
  4. Interdependence
  5. Democratic Peace
  6. Complex Interdependence

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