Important Points
- Kenneth Waltz
- Detente
- Book: The Theory of International Politics 1979
- states have to acquire arms since no one above it
- anarchical
- Mearsheimer
- post cold war realist
- Book: The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, 2001
- US-China relation
- buck-passing:
- Bait and Bleed:
- Blood letting
- scientific
- structure eliminates element of human
- Kenneth Waltz
- Mearsheimer
- scientific theory of international politics
- nations have no other option but power politics
- structure eliminates element of human
Kenneth Waltz
- state are actors in international politics
- no centralised authority
- purpose of theory
- wanted to establish principles of realism on scientific basis
- how
- shifts focus from human nature to structure
- Detente Realist
- relaxation period of Cold War
- more agreements
- challenge to realism
- liberal scholars like Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye
- Book: The Theory of International Politics 1979
- reemergence of cold war in 1979
- Ideas
- structure level analysis
- anarchical structure of international politics
- impact of anarchy
- domestic politics is hierarchical
- individuals are protected by state
- in international politics, states have to acquire arms since no one above it
- hence security dilemma and struggle for power
- functional differentiation
- unlike domestic sphere, no separation of power in international arena. eg-judiciary
- all states have to perform similar functions
- states differ in terms of capabilities
- established that only power politics based on structure
- eliminates personality factor
- hence continuity
- post cold war realist
- Book: The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, 2001
- context of work
- question mark on realism as Timeless wisdom
- end of cold war
- more cooperation
- formation of WTO
- focus on US-China relation
- against US-China cooperation
- prescription
- China is challenge to US hegemony
- foolish of US to support China
- foolish to accept Peaceful Rise
- China is known for militaristic approach, but it has promised peaceful rise
- objective of China is to increase power for domination and not security
- suggestions
- direct actions
- war: effective but costly
- black mailing: cost effective but may not work
- indirect actions
- buck-passing: shifting burden to some other. eg- India
- Bait and Bleed: give some and ask for much. eg- Iran oil and Chinese confrontation
- support one country and let the two countries bleed.
- support weaker country. eg- Pak against India, India against China
- Blood letting: if two countries fight, then ensure that they keep on fighting. Eg- supplying arms to Iraq and Iran during war to avoid emergence of regional power
Difference between Mearsheimer and Waltz