UPSC CSE Prelims 2024



Important Points
  1. Kenneth Waltz
    1. Detente
    2. Book: The Theory of International  Politics 1979
    3. states have to acquire arms since no one above it
    4. anarchical
  2. Mearsheimer
    1. post cold war realist
    2. Book: The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, 2001
    3. US-China relation
    4. buck-passing:
    5. Bait and Bleed:
    6. Blood letting
  3. scientific
  4. structure eliminates element of human

  1. Kenneth Waltz
  2. Mearsheimer

  1. scientific theory of international politics
  2. nations have no other option but power politics
  3. structure eliminates element of human

Kenneth Waltz
  1. state are actors in international politics
  2. no centralised authority
  3. purpose of theory
    1. wanted to establish principles of realism on scientific basis
    2. how 
      1. shifts focus from human nature to structure
  4. Detente Realist
    1. relaxation period of Cold War
    2. more agreements
      1. challenge to realism
        1. liberal scholars like Robert Keohane, Joseph Nye
  5. Book: The Theory of International  Politics 1979
    1. reemergence of cold war in 1979
  6. Ideas 
    1. structure level analysis
    2. anarchical structure of international politics
    3. impact of anarchy
      1. domestic politics is hierarchical
        1. individuals are protected by state
      2. in international politics, states have to acquire arms since no one above it
        1. hence security dilemma and struggle for power
    4. functional differentiation
      1. unlike domestic sphere, no separation of power in international arena. eg-judiciary
      2. all states have to perform similar functions
    5. states differ in terms of capabilities
  7. established that only power politics based on structure
    1. eliminates personality factor
    2. hence continuity

  1. post cold war realist
  2. Book: The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, 2001
  3. context of work
    1. question mark on realism as Timeless wisdom
      1. end of cold war
      2. more cooperation
      3. formation of WTO
    2. focus on US-China relation
      1. against US-China cooperation
      2. prescription
        1. China is challenge to US hegemony
        2. foolish of US to support China
        3. foolish to accept Peaceful Rise
          1. China is known for militaristic approach, but it has promised peaceful rise
        4. objective of China is to increase power for domination and not security
      3. suggestions
        1. direct actions
          1. war: effective but costly
          2. black mailing: cost effective but may not work
        2. indirect actions
          1. buck-passing: shifting burden to some other. eg- India
          2. Bait and Bleed: give some and ask for much. eg- Iran oil and Chinese confrontation
            1. support one country and let the two countries bleed.
            2. support weaker country. eg- Pak against India, India against China
          3. Blood letting: if two countries fight, then ensure that they keep on fighting. Eg- supplying arms to Iraq and Iran during war to avoid emergence of regional power

Difference between Mearsheimer and Waltz

structural realist
structural realist    
no amount of power is enough
don't go for endless search for power
US should go for hegemony rather balance
acquire power which is sufficient
nations are power maximizers
security maximization
other won't form coalitions, rather join the superpower
unnecessary power is counter productive: others will go to form coalition

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