UPSC CSE Prelims 2024



Important points
  1. society centric
  2. track 2
  3. globalisation
  4. John Burton: Cob Web Model
  5. Karl Dentch
    1. Communication Theory
    2. measured amount of interaction
    3. security community

  1. society centric
  2. track 2 diplomacy
    1. political class has its limitations and vested interests
    2. address trust deficit
  3. relevance
    1. globalisation has increased its relevance

  1. Rosenau: we are living in society centric world
  2. John Burton: Cob Web Model
  3. Karl Dentch
    1. Communication Theory
    2. measured amount of interaction between states through visas issued, letters exchanged
    3. observations
      1. more peaceful and beneficial relations where amount of interaction is high
      2. more interaction leads to formation of security community
        1. alternative to security dilemma
        2. no threat from within community, only from outside 

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