UPSC CSE Prelims 2024


 KENICHI OHANE - Borderless world

Marshal MacLuan - Global Village. (Also said, There are no passenger on ship called mother earth, we are all crew)
Anthoy Giddens - Compression in time and space.

Global Governance :
  • Creation of regional organisations like EU, ASEAN, 
  • Global Financial architecture of WB, IMF WTO
  • International Justice - ICC, PCA, ICJ and most importantly UN

How to legitimise Pol power at the international level 
Statism - Dialogue between states 
Cosmopolitism world govt on liberal principles David Held 
Others like Sorenson - Liberal Order and the global governance  is in crisis 
Jospeh Stiglitz - Democratic Deficit 
Stanley Hoffman - UN paralysed by the P2-P3 polarisation 
Hardip Puri - Security Council and the Politics of Chaos
Bhikhu Parekh - The principles of Global governance cannot be based on the values of liberalism. Need for dialogue among civilisations 

Jan Aart Scholte - Post modern global democracy based on the principles of trans-culturality, eco-ship and egalitarian principles.

Waves of Globalisation
  • 1st wave : Age of Discovery - 1450-1850 : European expansionism and Conquest 
  • 2nd Wave : 1850-1945 : Spread and entrenchment of European Empires 
  • 3rd Wave : Contemporary Globalisation : 1960 onwards : Microchip and Satellite (comm tech), Shift from West to East 
  • 4th Wave : May be in the making : One driven by emerging economic powers : China, Brazil, India and others 

dimensions of globalisation 
  • Expansion of capitalism and inter-connected-ness 
  • Growth of the role of International institutions 
Anthony Giddens 
  • Stretching and deepening of relations across space and time 
Thomas Friedman
 (Diff from Milton Friedman
  • The Lexus and the Olive tree
  • Globn as a inexorable integration of markets, nations states,  technology to an extent never seen before 
  • Interactions have become 
    • Farther, Faster, flatter
    • Cheaper, deeper 
  • No longer just a Buzzword 

  • Present mode of globn is
    Expansion of capitalism - glbn just a new buzz word for 
  • Search for profit will take bourgeoisie anywhere .. settle and nestle everywhere.
Islamic world 
  • Cultural imperialism 
  • Violent reaction
  • Brotherhood 

Asian - Lee Kuan Yew
  • Asian Values 
Bikhu Parek 
  • Cosmopolitan idea of globalisation based on dialogue between civilisations 

Indian Model 
  • Vasudheva Kutumbakam   

Arguments in Favour 
Jagdish Bhagwati 
  • 'In Defence of Globalisation' 
  • Qualitative &Quantitative Analysis
  • Opposing globn are psychiatrists and not economists 
  • Trickle down 
  • Inequality diminished - First time 
    • Life Expectancy - double; IMR - declined; Global literacy - 60-80%
  • Globn itself not solution - many steps needed
  • If properly governed, globalisation is the most powerful social good today 
Amartya Sen (favours)
  • Countries in globn better than those out
  • Uneven benefits 
  • Capacity building to make it a win win situation 

Arguments against 
Immanuel Wallerstein ( Instrumental Marxist
  • Nothing new - continuation of the old capitalist exploration of 17th cent
  • Poverty in africa, War in balkans - capitalist search for markets and accumulation of capital 
  • Globn in last stage 
  • Swan Song - dying its death 
  • 2 options 
    • barbarianism 
    • Socialism 
Noam Chomsky 
  • Profit Over People 
  • Negative impact on Health, Education, Nutrition.
  • Effect on Americans as well
  • Americans lost lives in capitalist wars
  • Tax payer money to Arms dealers
  • Go to war- force countries to open up markets for bourgeoisie of Capitalist countries 
Jorge Heine and Ramesh Thakur
  • The Dark side of Globalisation 
  • Not End of History, but End of Geography 
  • Wages, bargaining power of workers, socio-econ rights - down
  • Property rights have risen 
  • Effects
    • Baltic states - negative growth 
    • Africa - LDCs - constant
    • Guinea Bissau - Narco State 
  • Adverse effect on 
    • Econ sovereignty 
    • Pol sov
    • Social and cultural stability 
  • Rise of Uncivil society and transnational organised crime  

Jospeh Stiglitz (favours)
  • Making Globalisation work 
  • globalisation and its discontents
  • Democratic Deficit in instis of global governance - address them  to make globn work 
  • Glob in developed countries - 
    • Plutocrats - better 
    • Middle income - worse
    • Poor - worst 
  • Backlash which started in developing countries has reached to core countries now.
Arundhati Roy 
  • Capitalism: A Ghost Story 
  • Neoliberal capitalism as a mutant variety of colonialism - remote controlled and digitally operated 
  • Worse effect on  
    • Poverty
    • Envt 
    • Eroded democracy
    • Entrenched Child labour 
Pratap Bhanu Mehta
  • Globn in Question 
  • Similar to Stiglit
  • Gn was earlier believed to be a non-zero sum game, but backlash in both worlds now challenges it. 
  • Anti globn sentiment 
    • Earlier- South 
    • Now - working class-north
  • Effect on electoral choices - 
    • Rise of Right 
    • Xenophobia
    • Ethnic Chauvinism 
    • Anti immigrant sentiment 
  • Globn at 
    • Best : Imagination of vast opportunities
    • Worst : Elites looking for new pastures of opportunity 

Vandana Shiva- Highlighted the inequitable & unsustainable features of globalisation.

Sameer Amin - Applied dependency theory to show the continuity of drain of wealth.
Christine Lagarde
  • Rising inequalities is the Achilles Heel of market driven globn 
Sorenson (Sorensognty)
  • It has effected the sovereignty of poorer and smaller nations in a worse way than the bigger ones 
  • Benifited West the most  
  • Globalisation and Liberal world order is in crisis 

Current Prospects of Globalisation 
  • Global leaders at both WEF in Davos and G-20 summit, Germany - expressed pessimism regarding future of Globn 
  • Reasons
    • USA’s America First Policy 
      • Does not seem to be in a mood to lead the globn 
      • Out of TPP
      • Renegotiate NAFTA 
      • Uncertainty over TATIP 
    • Brexit 
    • France, Netherlands and Germany - Rise of Right 
    • G-20 existence - anti-globn protests 
    • Int economy is not showing any signs of recovery 
    • 4th Industrial revolution - rise to automation & AI — prospects of jobs weakened 
    • Since 1995 - WTO has failed to conclude the full round of talks 
    • Rising resentment from the middle income groups in the West.
  • Only countries which seem to have benefitted 
    • China : 4% (1991) —> 17% (2016)
    • India : 4% ( 1990) —>  7% (2016)
    • SE Asian nations 

Future Prospects of Globalisation 2.0  being led by China 
  • Steps Taken 
    • WEF - Xi Jinping says - ready to lead globn 
    • Enhance rule based economic order 
      • AIIB
      • NDB
      • BRI 
    • Indicated - will increase overseas investment 
    • Correcting its currency policy 
    • Speech - says that globn is wrongly blamed for many issues
      • West 
        • Geo-politiics has actually caused
          • Rise of terrorism 
          • Rise of Ultranationalism in Europe 
        • Lack of Adequate skilling 
          • Middle income gps - facing issues
          • Germany and Sweden are flourishing 
      • Global Financial Crisis 
        • Failure of Financial regulation and not because of Globn 
  • Challenges 
    • New Normal - Chinese economy slowing down 
    • Cannot supply world with a large & accessible market as USA 
    • Export & investment based economy —> Consumption & services led economy — not an easy transition 
    • Structural problems 
      • Excess capacity 
      • Mounting corporate debt 
  • Way Forward 
    • Address the democracy deficit international level 
    • Focus on Innovation to mitigate the negative effects of globn 
    • Countries should honour promises and abide by the international rules 
    • Both USA and China will have to work together to take globn forward
Xi Jinping we must not retreat into harbours as soon as we encounter a storm as then we would never be able to reach the opposite end 

Globalisation and HRs

HR are  one of the most powerful ideas of our time. as per Dworkin - They are inalienable, permanent, universal and equal.(E-UPI)

  • Nation states
    • Since no authority above the nation states - they are primarily responsible for implementation of HRs 
    • Cosmopolitans - say that globn has weakened the nations states.
      • Weakening of state capacities in terms of ability of governance and provide social security 
      • PBM - Initially impacted south - but after 2008 has started effecting north as well  

2 Schools of thought 
  • Globn as good for HRs 
    • Democracies inc 
    • Proliferation of Instruments, conventions, institutions 
    • Growth of HR consciousness 
    • R2p — RWP
  • Globn has undermined HRs
    • Neo-liberal capitalism 
    • Anti poor 
    • Weakened the social and economic rights
    • Rolling back of the state 
      • Feminisation of poverty, agriculture

How can HRs be promoted then 
  • Need to understand the structural reasons behind failure of HRs
    • Based on western ideology 
    • Seen as an excuse for interventionism and promoting geo-pol aims 
    • No clarity on what rights to be constituted as HRs and who to be considered human ( Eg - Terrorists)
  • What should be done
    • West should depoliticise the issue 
    • The principles must be based on dialogue b/w civilisations 
    • Cultural relativist approach needs to be taken 
    • Capacity building of states of south so that they can take can counter negative effects of globn 
    • Capacity building of UN agencies involved in developing works 

Thus, though it is true that globn has related into weakening o states, but it does not necessarily mean weakening of HRs.
Today’s states, civil society and international community must work together to enforce HRs 

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