UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

Political Parties, Pressure Groups and Social Movements

 Comparison of PG/PP/SM is one of the prominent areas of investigation in modern comparative politics 

Refer the same topic under 1B ( Party and Pressure Groups)

Political Parties 

  • Systematic study of political parties - Statistology(Behavioralists)
  • Input fn - Interest Aggregation (As per struct-fun approach of Almond and Powell)
  • Party System - no of parties of systemic relevance and not the number of political parties  (Sartori)
  • Two approaches - Traditionalist (normative) and behaviourist(pol parties are Powerhouse)
Edmund Burke (Traditionalist
  • Pol parties as a group of people with a shared ideology for the pursuit of common interest 
Otto Von Kirchheimer (Kidhar bhi side mar jayenge) 
  • Catch all parties 
  • Ideology don’t matter
  • Office oriented
  • ToCommunist Party (in his template- what is to be done)
  • Secret Society,cells at local level. Pyramidal
  • Vanguards of Revolution 
  • Democratic Centralism - demo bcz top will do what base will say. centralism bcz top will take the decision.

Robert Michels (Behavioral Theory)
  • book - Political Parties 
  • Functioning of socialist 
  • Irrespective of party -Communist party too are same
  • Party are new elites
  • Oligarchy is the iron law
Maurice Duverger
  • Political Parties 
  • Duverger Law 
    • Simple majoritarian - 2 party 
    • Proportional - Multi party 
    • India - exception 
  • 2 types on the ideology bases
    • Mass party - liberal,communist
    • Cadre party - left/right
  • 4 structures of pol parties(BCMC)
    • Branch - liberal
    • Cell - communist party 
    • Militia - Armed - Mussolini, Redguards of Communist party of china.
    • Caucus - Rightist elites
Myron Weiner 
  • Western or non western 
    • Not homogenous 
  • Constructed Ideal types 
  • 2 party 
    • British - Turnover ideological 
    • US- Turnover pragmatic 
  • Multiparty - Continental Europe
  • Hegemonic non competitive - China
  • 1 Party dominant - S.Africa
  • 2 Party - Sri lanka
  • Multiparty - India 
  • not necessarily secular. Lack intra party democracy, controlled by dynasties, revolve around personality, lack transparency and financial accountability, 

Pressure Groups 

Intro- Interest groups are called invisible empires by Finer(The empire was so finer that became invisible)
  • Do not compete for formal post. yet influence government's decision.
  • Play the game of hide and seek in political system.
  • Study of pressure group is known as pluralism.
  • Perform the role of Interest articulation.
  • Robert Dahl -calls liberal democracies as Polygarchy because of great role of pressure group.
Interest Groups vs Pressure Groups-
  • No difference in terminology.
  • Traditionalist prefer PG, Behavioralist prefer IG
  • 'PG'- focus is on group. 'IG' focus is on purpose.
  • IE — iA 
  • Invisible empires which perform the function of Interest Articulation 

Rajni Kothari 
  • Agents of moderation 
  • Reservoirs of leadership

C. WRIGHT Mill - USA is ruled by power elites.
Gabriel Almond (type of interest group) (he also gave Str-fun app with Powell, and Political Culture with Verba)
Institutional - 
  • Part of Gov - IAS association, Pak Army
  • Strongest in Developing - overdeveloped states 
Associational(advocay group)
  • Purely Interest Based(Trade unions, FICCI, CII),Very strong in West
  • Community based(Gujar), Jat mahasabha. Exclusive in nature.-> prismatic society
  • Non West countries 
  • Norm less,Crowd behaviour, Mob like (NSCN)
  • Non West - as democracy is not well institutionalised 
  • Political Decay - SP Huntington 

SPH - Pol Decay - Crisis of Repn 

Neera Chandhoke
  • Focus on civil society dates to 1980s
  • Crisis of Representation
  • From older models of democracy - pol parties to newer models - NGOs and informal citizen groups 

Jean Blondel (new classification of PG)
(Improvement over Almond’s static  model )
  • Dynamic model : Changes with changes in societies 
  • Trad ==> Modern society 
    • Nature: Non ass ==> Associational 
    • Obj: Protectionist => Devpntal 
Conclusion :
We can apply Political Modernisation Theory that once Urbn, indusn, Ratn, and Secularisn take place ==> Nation building ==> Less role of ethnic politics 

Successful PGs
  • Insti PG - IAS Lobby,Rich Farmers ,FICCI, CII,Tobacco, Pak Army
  • Trade Unions - Junior partner, dilute of labour laws  
  • Student Unions - Junior partners and divided on ideological lines
  • Women orgns - lack solidarity as divided on religion and caste 
  • Poor Peasant - not tolerated - UAPA
  • Power Brokers 

Social Movements 
"Street politics" "Interface of society and politics" "Feature of left politics" "Least Institutionalized among PG and party"
Collective Behaviour - Interchangeable — INC - S M->PG->Party 
  • Pol Parties,PGs , SMs 
Component of Social Movements - Generally Linked to Left ( Liberals - Institutional) politics to street politics; resource mobilisation) 
  • Objective, Strategy 
  • Leadership, ideology 
  • Social Base 

  • Obj, Social base, Techniques, Ideological orientation 
  • Old - Worker movements; Basic issues of life, Lower classes, Direct action (Strikes) , Materialist 
  • New - Envt, Peace ; Quality of life issues, Middle classes, innovative strat- theatres, literary mode, Post materialist  
Herbert Marcuse - known as 'Father of new Left/New SM' -book- 'One dimensional man'
  • Developing : Coexistence of old and new
    • Eg- Envt movement in India 
      • Obj : Basic issues of life as well as envt protection 
      • SBase: Base - tribals led by the middle class
      • Techq - Direct action protests along with nukkad natal, theatre
      • Orientaiotn : Mat and post mat 
  • Developed Countries : New only 

New social movements in India : Corruption - Lokpal, RTI, AAP Phenomenon, Envt - Narmada Bachao 

Old Links b/w People and Govt  : PGs and Pol Parties 
New links could be Social movements  

Electoral System - 
Intro - Since Rep demo has become inevitable, Electoral system has become part and parcel of any theory of democracy.
  • Any ES should be --Free and fair and representative with minimum wastage of votes.
  • Democracy means protection of minorities -> hence ES must be able to give enough minority view rep space. Real democracy is not majoritarian but consociational.
  • Types- 
  • Simple majority type- In LS, Vidhansabha of India.
    • - Lease representative, Max wastage of votes. (Winner takes all).It favours big parties.(Reason for INC hegemony)
    • + Only merit is simplicity.
  • Second Ballot system - Prez election in France and Afghanistan. Winning candidate needs absolute majority and not just the plurality of votes. Why called 2nd ballot (because possibility of 2 elections)
    • + more Representative. 
    • - Unnecessary expenditure and burden on electoral machinary. Electoral Fatigue.
  • Alternate vote system- Member of house rep in Australia- Winner requires absolute majority. Improved version of Second ballot 
    • + no need of 2nd election- Voters will write their preferences(transferable vote).
    • - Still large population remains unreped.
Proportional Representation-
  • + No vote wastage, Minority is reped. Not Tyranny of majority.
  • Single transferable vote (STV)system - In Ireland(quota of seats, In case of Indian Prez (only single vacancy)
  • List System -Mostly used in Continental Europe
    • +Most representative of all, Elemination of personality factors and imp of parties. Minority reped. There is no need to give any reservation.
    • -National parties get benefitted.
    • Entire country is single constituency, But a multi-member constituency,

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