UPSC CSE Prelims 2024


 Ownership and Possession 


  • The idea of ownershi developed when man started to settle and stop being a wanderer. 

  • Personal right produced by regu of inter-personal relns. 



  • Relation b/w person & property 

  • It rests largely on prohibitions exercised towards others. 

  1. Complex of rights, all of which are right in rem. 

  2. Rights though not unlimited, but indefinite. 

  3. When one's interest outlasts the interests of others in the same thing. 


  1. Possess 

  2. Use & enjoy 

  3. Destroy, alienate  

  4. Indeterminate in duration 

  5. Residuary character 


  • Possession coupled with legitimate title. But it could be w/o possession also. 

  • Limited Ownership - cant sale or dispose the prop. 



  • Exclusive use of prop 

  • Doesn’t cover incorporeal prop 

  • Lease, pledge, mortgage, theft, fraud, bailment 

  • Possession in Fact - control 

  • Possession in Law - constructive posses 



  • Characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling & acting 

  • Consistent & distinctive ways our ideas, feelings & actions are organize 

  • Behavioural traits 

  • Totality or whole of person 

Legal Personality 

  • Legal capacity 

  • Ability of any entity to amend (enter into, transfer etc.) rights & obligations. 

  1. Natural - all living beings, inc animals 

  2. Legal - artificial 



  • Condition of being subject to a legal obligation. 

  • Vinculum Juris - result of wrongful act of an indi - things he must suffe 

  • It is the bond of necessity that exists b/w the wrongdoer and the remedy. 

  • Joint; Joint & several liability 

  • Primary & Secondary liability 

  • Civil - for the purpose of enfor of rights 

  • Penal & remedial 

Rights & Duties 


"Custom is to Society what law is to state." 


  • Interests protected by morals or by law 

  • All interests are not rights 

  1. Vested in a person 

  2. Against person/s 

  3. Relates to a thing 

  4. Person so bound to act in favour of the person entitled. 

  5. Title  

  • Perfect Rights 

  • Imperfect rights - recog by law but cant be enforced like time barred debt. 



  • One ought to do. 

  • Moral or legal 



  • The purpose of Law is Justice; w/o which law becomes a tool of oppression. 

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