UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

How to review your own answer?

Before reviewing your answer, you should read question again and understand its demand.

In the first appearance itself, your answer look neat and well presented (in case you are writing on paper). Good presentation includes neat handwriting, clean spacing between lines and paragraphs, absence of struck words/sentences. Appearance should create good impression. Presentation should be inviting and please evaluator. 

Structure – don’t write in paragraphs, especially in GS-1,2 and 3. Structure your answer as per directions given in New Secure. If structure is absent, you will definitely get low marks as you are forcing evaluator to search for points – making his job difficult.

Next, in the introduction, all parts of answer should be addressed in 2-3 lines. Observe if you are giving only definition or background information. Introduction is very important and when you make a valid point in it, reward the answer. 

In the body, you must address all parts of the question. If any part is missing, proportionately deduct marks. For example, if a question has 3 parts (What, Why and How), but you miss How part. Then one third marks must be deducted. 

Marks must be deducted if main points are not substantiated with examples. In case you have ten points to write, you should give examples to at least 3-4 points. No example, no marks. Any argument without justification/illustration/validation has no value. 

Conclusion must be there whatever be the nature of question. Conclusion should have a valid point. It should not be mere summary or repetition of statement from introduction or question. If you are doing this, cut one mark. If there is value addition in conclusion, award a mark. 

Answer should have clarity, consistency (in terms of your stance, presentation and structure), conciseness, relevancy (extremely important) and coherence (flow between parts). 

If your answer has all of these, award 60% of the marks (6/10). Depending on which aspect is missing, deduct marks accordingly (For ex, an answer with very good content without intro and conclusion might get 4-5 marks). 

Grammar is not so important. What’s important is communicating your answer despite certain deficiencies in language. Don’t cut marks for poor grammar.

If presentation bad, handwriting is illegible, definitely deduct marks. 

Finally, it’s the overall impression that matters. Good impression will be created when all elements are in sync. 

We hope you start doing self-review from today in Secure. From our side, we will do our best to review your answers. 

Wish you all the best.  

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