UPSC CSE Prelims 2024

Adoption of democracy on one hand and welfares on the other rescues capitalism from socialist- Marxist challenge. Analyse.

Manx considered Capitalism as thereat to Humanism. He felt that Capitalist class is exploitative and gave a call- "WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE, You HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT CHAINS"

In his theory of revolution, he gave concept of Socialism as transition phase where Dictatorship of Proletarian is established. This would later form a classless stateless society i.e., Communism. 

This inspired socialism which turned to be leaders started a meta ideology. Its leaders started movement against capitalist class to remove them from power in Europe and Asia. 

The capitalism was threatened and the movement affected Profit and security of bourgeoisie. 

The capitalist state backed the bourgeoisie class. It showed democratic features which attracted masses towards them. This largely happened in context of RIGHTS. 

A liberal democratic order was promoted by capitalist class. This changed socio-political scenario as follows: 

The State backed Right to speech, dissent, freedom of association and movement of people. People found it attractive than Communist movement which talked of duties but not rights. 

The economy in democracy became free. Laissez Faire was promoted which helped capitalist class to gain profit. 

Then economic backwardness and The Great Depression of 1929 changed capitalism. This was dealt by introduction of WELFARE STATE. 

This state included socialist features like state-based industries, redistribution of wealth etc. Welfare state helped cope with economic depression by providing employment, health, education etc. to public Communist states like USSR failed to do so. 

This democratic state and welfares "generated consent" in favour of capitalist class. Public withdrew from communist movements. Loss of mass support led to failure of socialist - Marxist moments in many countries.

Gramsci analysed this failure deeply his Prison Notebook and introduced structuralism in Marxist Theory. He said other than economic base, structures like religion and civil society aid in generating Consent in favour of capitalism. HEGEMONY is established which is responsible for failure of Marxist Communist revolution.

Capitalist class owing to its dynamic ideology survived many backlashes and is still prevalent and growing in form of MNCS. 


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